A Film by
Oliver Meinborn and Björn Weber
Music and Sounddesign
Sonic Scenography Labs

Interpreter and Translations
Shadhin Ahmedd


Shopna has less than three Euros a day to live, feed her two children and provide them with proper education. A challenge that she has in common with 80 million others in Bangladesh.
Thanks to the efforts of local NGOs and their German fundraiser Shanti, Shopna’s situation has changed for the better. In order to showcase how beneficial these projects are we gave this extraordinary woman the opportunity to tell her story:
How she has slipped into abject poverty by great misfortune and that now she is determined to fight her way back.

Partnerschaft Shanti-Bangladesch e.V.

Selected Works:

InnerlightExhibition & Installation

OnironautaDocumentary / Film Music

urbanrecall IIIInstallation & Performance

CO:CREATION - WDRProject type

reiheM - KonzertProject type

TetrahedronProject type

urbanrecall IIInstallation & Performance

Dark MatterProject type



urbanrecall IInstallation & Performance

#5630 PortraitsDocumentary / Film Music

Still BurningDocumentary

distant relations | performanceInstallation & Performance

Züge statt FlügeProject type

Spre NoapteProject type


For all inquiries and commissions or if you simply
have a question, don't hesitate to contact me